Inhalation of radon is linked to lung cancer

Radon is a highly radioactive gas that can be introduced into the home through the ground beneath it, well water, and the building materials that constitute your house or apartment. Part of what makes radon so dangerous is the fact that it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, and that it produces no immediate symptoms, which means that you will normally be completely unaware that you are inhaling it. According to the CPSC, one study of residential radon levels has indicated that radon is over three times as prevalent in homes as in the outdoors.
Inhalation of radon is linked to lung cancer, and the CPSC estimates that it causes between 7,000 and 30,000 lung cancer deaths every year. For smokers, radon exposure increases the risk of cancer even further, as radon can attach itself to the smoke and lodge itself in the lungs.
Fortunately, testing for radon is relatively inexpensive and easy to do using readily available radon testing kits. It is a good idea to test your home, and if radon levels are higher than 4 pci/L, take steps to reduce it. Contact a professional to help you.

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